GO News - January 2024

GO News – January 2024

 Happy New Year!!

 Calls for Proposals:

The Open Society Foundations are accepting applications for two of its prestigious fellowships, the Soros Justice Fellowship and the Soros Equality Fellowship. The deadline for both applications is January 31, 2024.

The Soros Justice Fellowship supports projects of individuals that advance reform, spur debate, and catalyze change on a range of issues facing the U.S. criminal legal system. There are two fellowship tracks: Track I ($100,000), which is for people at the earlier stages of their careers and who demonstrate the potential to develop into leaders and important voices in their respective fields; and Track II ($140,000), which is for more experienced individuals with a proven record of achievement and expertise.

The $130,000 Soros Equality Fellowship supports individual leaders influencing the racial justice field. Applications will be evaluated on the extent to which the applicant possesses the vision, drive, and skills needed to broaden understanding, spur debate, or catalyze change on the issues at the heart of the Open Society Foundations’ racial justice priorities. A successful project should identify a challenge and propose a critical intervention that will meaningfully address the systems that reinforce inequities and discrimination in the United States.

The Montello Foundation is accepting applications for its summer 2024 artist residency in northeastern Nevada now through January 21, 2024. The Montello Foundation is dedicated to supporting artists who foster our understanding of nature, its fragility, and our need to protect it. The two-week artist retreat at the Montello Foundation is meant to be a retreat from the urban environment, potentially providing residents with a new perspective for their work and giving them space and time for undisturbed experimentation and reflection.

Quoting from the foundation’s website:

“The idea behind the retreat is that you are in this amazing desert landscape by yourself. It’s all yours, and you are part of all what is around you.

There is no direct interaction with other humans, no staff or other artists, you don’t have to be social or not, decide whether you go to your room or chat all night. You focus on being social using your art you work on while you are there, or do sketches to work on it afterwards, or you can just relax from working and spend two weeks in the hammock. (We are sure you will have at least one great thought and will act upon it afterwards.)

Your social responsibility is with the audience of your work, not the immediate humans around you. What’s important is to get the message out: Nature is a fragile thing and we have to take care of it.”

Visual artists and curators, writers, composers and performing artists are all eligible to apply.

Please note that there is no fee for artists to stay at the retreat, but artists are responsible for their travel expenses and for their meals.

The Ellen Meloy Fund is accepting applications for its Desert Writers Award. The Ellen Meloy Fund for Desert Writers grants one $5,000 award in the spring of each year for literary or creative nonfiction book projects that bring new perspectives and deeper meaning to the body of desert literature.

Emerging, mid-career or established writers in the field of literary nonfiction are encouraged to apply. More about past award recipients can be learned here.

The deadline application is January 15, 2024.


The grants office maintains the Faculty Grant Proposal Library course on GLOW. This course is meant to help Williams faculty prepare grant proposals by giving you access to successful proposals that your colleagues have graciously allowed us to upload. The proposals included are organized by funder and by discipline.

All Williams faculty are automatically subscribed to this course, and many of you have already found it a useful tool in preparing your own grant proposals. Please let the grants office know if you have any questions.

Did you know?

ArtSake is Mass Cultural Council’s online resource to support creative individuals across the state. Visit ArtSake to find:

Upcoming Opportunities:

  • Marion and Jasper Whiting Foundation: Whiting Foundation Fellowships: The Marion and Jasper Whiting Foundation awards fellowships to faculty in all disciplines with the aim to stimulate and broaden the awardees’ minds so as to improve and enhance the quality of their instruction. Grants are primarily for travel and related expenses and not as salary substitutes, scholarships, or grants in aid.

    Please contact the grants office, if you are interested in applying. Applications are due January 5, 2024.

  • James McKeen Cattell Fund: James McKeen Cattell Fund Fellowship: The Cattell Fund Fellowship supplements the regular sabbatical allowance provided by the recipients’ home institutions, to allow an extension of leave-time from one to two semesters. Eligible applicants are psychologists who are tenured faculty members at colleges and universities in the U.S. and Canada, and are eligible, according to the regulations of their own institutions, for a sabbatical leave or its equivalent. The maximum award is $40,000. Applications are due January 15.

  • LEF Foundation Moving Image Fund: Production and Post-Production Grants: LEF’s Moving Image Fund is now accepting letters of inquiry for projects in Production and Post-Production. A maximum of seven grants of $15,000 each will be awarded to projects in the Production phase, and a maximum of four grants of $25,000 each will be awarded to projects in the Post-Production phase during LEF’s major grants review. All letters of inquiry are due on Friday, January 19, 2024 at 11:59pm ET.

  • Hutchins Center for African & African American Research: Du Bois Research Institute Fellowship: This opportunity is for a residential fellowship at the W. E. B. Du Bois Research Institute at Harvard University. Scholars who conduct research in a range of fields related to African and African American Studies are eligible to apply. Terms are available for the fall semester, spring semester, or full academic year. Stipend amounts vary but average about $65,000. Applications are due by January 22, 2024.

  • National Science Foundation: Mid-Career Advancement (MCA) Program: Provides funds to release associate and full professors from some of their non-research duties, allowing them to pursue collaborations to gain new skills or resources and substantially enhance their research trajectory. Applications are due March 1.
  • American Philosophical Society: Library Short-Term Resident Research Fellowship: One-to-three-month research fellowships available for scholars in all fields. The APS’s Library & Museum’s collections make it among the premier institutions for documenting and exhibiting the history of the American Revolution and founding, the history of science from Newton to NASA, and Indigenous languages and cultures. Applications are due March 15. 
  • Don’t forget! More upcoming grant application deadlines can always be found here.


[GO News is the newsletter of the Williams College Grants Office that appears monthly in Daily Messages and, a day earlier, to email subscribers. This is an opt-in email so please click here to be added to the mailing list.]