Institutional Information

Institution Official Name: The President and Trustees of Williams College
Applicant Organization Address: P.O. Box 624 Williamstown, MA 01267
Name of Administrative Official to be Notified if Award is Made: Maud S. Mandel,  President
P.O. Box 687
Williamstown, MA 01267
Telephone (413) 597-4233
FAX (413) 597-4015
Business Office Official and Payee Information: Payee: President and Trustees of Williams College
Valerie L. Myers, Controller
P.O. Box 67
Williamstown, MA 01267
Congressional District: MA-001
County: Berkshire
Organization Signing Official: Brenda Thomas
Director, Grants Office
Telephone (413) 597-5053
Animal Welfare Assurance Number: A313301
Assurances Filed: Civil Rights Handicapped Individuals Sex Discrimination Misconduct in Science Human Subjects (available on request)
Delinquent Federal Debt: No
Debarment and Suspension: No
Drug-Free Workplace: Yes
Federalwide Human Subjects Assurance # FWA00005773
Lobbying: Not required because the college does not engage in these activities
Indirect cost: DHHS Agreement dated May 31, 2022: 50.8% (on campus), 16.10% (off campus) with MTDC (modified total direct cost) base (effective 7/1/22).
DHHS Representative: Douglas Molina, Telephone: (212) 264-2069
Entity ID Number: 04-2104-847N (PHS)
Tax ID Number:  042104847
DUNS Number:  020665972
IPEDS ID Number: 168342
Highest Degree Code: B (NSF)
Institution Code: PRIV (NSF)